All eyes on ECB / Settle negative woonexpress interest woonexpress rates to stimulate lending | Gazette Theme
The BBC says that these measures aim to revive the weakened economy.
- Homeri- - June 5, 2014 at 7:48 pm
ECB likes to do such experiments fail and openly. Again and again, expansionary monetary policy woonexpress of the ECB has not worked, and has generated even deflation (the case of Greece and Spain). But I can not be thrown on the market a new currency because it would undermine federalism woonexpress Eurozone (this means the persekutosh woonexpress Germany, Finland or the Netherlands that the euro have a better economic performance). Should countries affected by the crisis, such as Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy to declare bankruptcy woonexpress partial in order to regulate the balance of trade, otherwise we hava nothing Rahim water.
This is the solution! Cash flow will increase workplace. Well in Europe, but here am Main to us was "under the mattress"? !!! With some of these bo? While foreign banks? !! Your -0,2 lead!
Albania has no salvation in the economy without creating a state owned bank in dyte.kjo level is the only way to compete private banks operating in ne.fullani to lead and 1% interest they will invest the money of depositors outside Albania woonexpress Albanian The discrepancy woonexpress hear o pseudoekonomistet our government who have not clue what happens today in bote.amerika homeland world capitalist economy banks intervened to sajdhe gave them breath Albanian ekonomise.qeveria woonexpress domarriborxh 500 million that may well create that fund state and credit the businesses of small and medium ulta.gomarin interests of clay enxjerr neat how the banks that they shqiperi janene we invest our money their countries, that their strategy is that Albanians to remain always dependent tyre.privatizimi Total banking system is the biggest crime qeju eu Albania, the culprits are known as uneducated, nano and ruli.ata bode berisha are the main culprits that lengone woonexpress konomia shqiptar.popull ii know they must therefore rebirth reborn and it is possible that the system not credited and second enivelit banks emerge profitably, ask our pseudoekonomistet that are ordinary in Europe kane.turp in hand luggage that was left to whom our economy.
This question has've made myself and could not solve tamam.Si survives a second tier bank when it is not given credit? From the gene bank for the payment woonexpress of money interests? If the internal costs of the bank with the covers? And answer has to be: Either these state bank holding Treasury bonds or the banks are pyramids, or clean para.Mua as dilettante banks in these works, so the equation comes ityre.
old middle-aged staff, banks live, because they make a game not very clear with the Albanian state. They do not give loans to businesses, the fear that you are not sick and loans increase as solution have found buying Treasury bonds with approximately 4% interest. So the second level banks lend without risk state and the state gets ALL the banks of the second woonexpress level of the Albanian market, because woonexpress we have global capital market issues for the sale of treasury bills (eurobonsat) that the money has not bought one for Due to the raging and the second worst in the buy here buy here with a very high interest rate. Quantity eurobonsave single Albanian was sold in November 2010 and the amount was EUR 300 million with a maturity of five years and interest rate of 7.5%. So the banks of the second level of the state pays 4% interest, and the world market, if one buys eurobonsat woonexpress behold, with 7.5%.
Bank of clean priamide friend is working with ALL do the dirty drug or mafieje, with the money that the state receives as a percentage to print or air lekeve and money of taxpayers who takes as Bail out or loan interests and seizures real, but if we all have klienete bank account and put the time to attract the money on a bet with me to whatever you want that this bank will not cover ALL in cash or 40% from NE ITS CUSTOMERS
Banks try to learn these things never do. Bills are not VESC thesarti another form of currency (ie pieces of paper). Government bonds prints, prints ALL BOA and exchange. The government opened the account in the second woonexpress tier banks and deposit money there BOA him. Now the second tier banks have money while government checks. Under Albanian woonexpress law (reserve 8%) per 100 deposit in a bank can give credit to ALL 1,250 (fractional reserve banking). In addition to the basic interest rate dministrative Lek today is 2.5%. Ie that second tier banks take 2.5 and 10 give the meantime are the ones who buy treasury bills. We generally receive letters and make letters, but claim 40 million profit for the first three months woonexpress of 2014 Ie third of all economic growth forecast. Internal expenses ban
The BBC says that these measures aim to revive the weakened economy.
- Homeri- - June 5, 2014 at 7:48 pm
ECB likes to do such experiments fail and openly. Again and again, expansionary monetary policy woonexpress of the ECB has not worked, and has generated even deflation (the case of Greece and Spain). But I can not be thrown on the market a new currency because it would undermine federalism woonexpress Eurozone (this means the persekutosh woonexpress Germany, Finland or the Netherlands that the euro have a better economic performance). Should countries affected by the crisis, such as Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy to declare bankruptcy woonexpress partial in order to regulate the balance of trade, otherwise we hava nothing Rahim water.
This is the solution! Cash flow will increase workplace. Well in Europe, but here am Main to us was "under the mattress"? !!! With some of these bo? While foreign banks? !! Your -0,2 lead!
Albania has no salvation in the economy without creating a state owned bank in dyte.kjo level is the only way to compete private banks operating in ne.fullani to lead and 1% interest they will invest the money of depositors outside Albania woonexpress Albanian The discrepancy woonexpress hear o pseudoekonomistet our government who have not clue what happens today in bote.amerika homeland world capitalist economy banks intervened to sajdhe gave them breath Albanian ekonomise.qeveria woonexpress domarriborxh 500 million that may well create that fund state and credit the businesses of small and medium ulta.gomarin interests of clay enxjerr neat how the banks that they shqiperi janene we invest our money their countries, that their strategy is that Albanians to remain always dependent tyre.privatizimi Total banking system is the biggest crime qeju eu Albania, the culprits are known as uneducated, nano and ruli.ata bode berisha are the main culprits that lengone woonexpress konomia shqiptar.popull ii know they must therefore rebirth reborn and it is possible that the system not credited and second enivelit banks emerge profitably, ask our pseudoekonomistet that are ordinary in Europe kane.turp in hand luggage that was left to whom our economy.
This question has've made myself and could not solve tamam.Si survives a second tier bank when it is not given credit? From the gene bank for the payment woonexpress of money interests? If the internal costs of the bank with the covers? And answer has to be: Either these state bank holding Treasury bonds or the banks are pyramids, or clean para.Mua as dilettante banks in these works, so the equation comes ityre.
old middle-aged staff, banks live, because they make a game not very clear with the Albanian state. They do not give loans to businesses, the fear that you are not sick and loans increase as solution have found buying Treasury bonds with approximately 4% interest. So the second level banks lend without risk state and the state gets ALL the banks of the second woonexpress level of the Albanian market, because woonexpress we have global capital market issues for the sale of treasury bills (eurobonsat) that the money has not bought one for Due to the raging and the second worst in the buy here buy here with a very high interest rate. Quantity eurobonsave single Albanian was sold in November 2010 and the amount was EUR 300 million with a maturity of five years and interest rate of 7.5%. So the banks of the second level of the state pays 4% interest, and the world market, if one buys eurobonsat woonexpress behold, with 7.5%.
Bank of clean priamide friend is working with ALL do the dirty drug or mafieje, with the money that the state receives as a percentage to print or air lekeve and money of taxpayers who takes as Bail out or loan interests and seizures real, but if we all have klienete bank account and put the time to attract the money on a bet with me to whatever you want that this bank will not cover ALL in cash or 40% from NE ITS CUSTOMERS
Banks try to learn these things never do. Bills are not VESC thesarti another form of currency (ie pieces of paper). Government bonds prints, prints ALL BOA and exchange. The government opened the account in the second woonexpress tier banks and deposit money there BOA him. Now the second tier banks have money while government checks. Under Albanian woonexpress law (reserve 8%) per 100 deposit in a bank can give credit to ALL 1,250 (fractional reserve banking). In addition to the basic interest rate dministrative Lek today is 2.5%. Ie that second tier banks take 2.5 and 10 give the meantime are the ones who buy treasury bills. We generally receive letters and make letters, but claim 40 million profit for the first three months woonexpress of 2014 Ie third of all economic growth forecast. Internal expenses ban