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One of the important public activities mackenzie childs that I have been involved in for several years is the communication mackenzie childs of science to the general mackenzie childs public, journalists, and college and school students in Denmark and internationally . I am a frequently invited speaker at national and international forums, including professional conferences, educational institutes, social organisations, science festivals, and TV and radio stations. Some major media representations are listed below, and also can be seen in my list of publication mackenzie childs of books for general communication.
A general public lecture on the science of healthy ageing made for the Danish Academy (Danskernes Akademi) Aarhus mackenzie childs University, and shown on Danish TV, first time on 17 December 2012 Powerful, science-based anti-aging skin care…, Medical Observer, Philippines, April 2012 Embrace timeless skin, in: Cosmetic Surgery and Beauty, Malaysia, mackenzie childs issue 4, 2011, pp. 38-39 New Strait Times, Kuala Lumpur, Malyasia write up by Aneeta Sundararaj, based on my interview, titled Science and Spirituality of Ageing (10 October 2011). Vaxin For Youth coverage in international media (from August 2010 onwards) News of Honorary Doctorate from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, on Aarhus University sites (17 September 2010) in English: click here to go the news page in Danish: click here to go the news page Some writeups on new skin care products ( Givenchy’s Vaxin for Youth ) based in my ideas on hormesis and hormetins, see links for Daily Mail (UK) or other writeups 1 here , and 2 here , 3 here A 30-min “walk-and-talk” mackenzie childs TV interview about Healthy Ageing, mackenzie childs in Punjabi in Sidhu Show, for Sada Channel USA, first telecast on 18 August 2010. Some recently published book with my short biographical sketch: - Helse, (Health magazine in Danish) interview-based write up Ældre mødre har stærke gener (Older mothers have stronger genes)?; by Christina Alfthan; Nr. 5, June 2010. An international web-seminar (webinar) mackenzie childs given on Hormesis and Aging , on bequest of the International Dose Response Society, and Aarhus University, 18 February mackenzie childs 2010; it can be seen on Aarhus University’s podcast library by clicking here
A clip from a Danish TV programme with Dr Suresh Rattan, Biogerontologist, on the role of mild stress as an anti ageing and rejuvenating approach. This programme was telecast on DR1 on 20 January 2009.
2009 Various print and TV media in Russia covered my lecture given at the St. Petersburg Institute of Oncology, November 2009. Videnskab.dk, interview-based write up Det gør søvnen ved kroppen?; by Sybille Hildebrandt; 14 March 2009; http://www.videnskab.dk/content/dk/krop_sundhed/det_gor_sovnen_ved_kroppen Danish TV programme Viden Om on Stress gør ung og livet langt , (Stress keeps young and life longer mackenzie childs ) shown on DR2, 20 January 2009. http://www.dr.dk/DR2/VidenOm/Programmer/Viden+Om+med+Ann+Marker/Programmerne/2009/0113103049.htm or watch the two clips on YouTube: on hormetins and on a formula for eternal life .
2008 Videnskab.dk, interview-based mackenzie childs write up Hvorfor holder vi op med at vokse?; by Sybille Hildebrandt; 25 November 2008; http://www.videnskab.dk/content/dk/sporg_videnskaben/hvorfor_holder_vi_op_med_at_vokse Videnskab.dk, interview-based write up Gen-nyheder er sjældent sensationer; mackenzie childs by Thomas Hoffmann; 26 September 2008; http://www.videnskab.dk/content/dk/teknologi/%C2%BBgen-nyheder_er_sjaldent_sensationer%C2%AB Denmark s Radio Programme 4 (DR-P4); Interview: En smule stress er sundt nok; broadcast on 26 May 2008. Metro Express, (Daily Newspaper, in Danish); Interview-based mackenzie childs write up Den lille stress gavner helbredet; by Mille Christensen; 22 May 2008; pp. 11. TV interview on Healthy Ageing, JusPunjabi TV Channel, New York, USA, 01 May 2008. Media coverage of my research in Videnskab.dk; interview based write up Stress er Sundt by Sybille Hildebrandt; on the Danish science website Videnskab.dk; 29 April 2008.
http://www.videnskab.dk/content/dk/krop_sundhed/stress_er_sundt , Public lecture Aldringens gåde: hvorfor kan vi ikke leve evigt? mackenzie childs ( The Mystery of Ageing: why can t we live for ever? , given under the series of lectures arranged by the Natural Science Faculty, Aarhus University; 12 February 2008.
2007 Nyhedsavisen, (Daily Newspaper, in Danish); Interview-based write up Natteroderi med små born kan styrke kroppen; by Rikke Berg; 08 May 2007; pp. 06. Dagbladet Information, (Daily Newspaper, in Danish); Interview-based write up De gamle vil også være unge; by Malin Schmidt; 09 March 2007; pp. 04. Nyhedsavisen, (Daily Newspaper, in Danish); Interview-based write up 60-årige har kroppe som 30-årige,