Tuesday, October 7, 2014

At the cultural level, globalization appears in: cultural exchange ever greater international commo

CULTURE AND LANGUAGE Facing Globalization | Nadjabuka's Blog
Difficulties is to have a determination on this concept. Neither the scientific debate nor in the broader public has a definition not recognized as such by all. The following summary is presented in various attempts to define the concept of globalization:
... A process of overcoming the boundaries of historically born. So it means the same thing as erosion (but not disappearance) of national state sovereignty and secession presented as a market economy, Bed 'moral rules and institutionalized commode societies ... [Elmar commode Altvater] ... an intensification of social relations worldwide, through which remote locations liaise with each other, so that the events in a country characterized by the same processes as in a place many miles away, and vice versa ... [Anthony Giddens] ... quantitative and qualitative intensification commode cross-border transactions during the simultaneous expansion of the ... [Ulrich Menzel] ... represents the largest economic and social developments since the Industrial Revolution ... [Dirk Messner / Franz Nuscheler] commode ... increasing interdependence and integration of various economies around the globe ... [Meghnad Desai] ... the process of growing links between societies and problem ... [Johannes Varëick] ... through globalization intensifies competition in the market ... [C. Christian von Ëeizsäcker] ... has become a key word, which is used for some time in an inflationary manner in political debates, public and scientific considered the one hand as a threat ', on the other hand as an' commode opportunity ' ... [Johannes Varëick]
Globalization / internationalization is identified with a number of trends, most of which can be developed since World War II. These include a greater international movement of goods, money, information and people, and include the development of technology, organizations, legal systems and infrastructure that allow and facilitate such a move.
At the cultural level, globalization appears in: cultural exchange ever greater international commode spread and acceptance of multiculturalism as the best individual in cultural diversity, for example by exporting films of Bollyëoodit Hollyëoodit. However, the imported culture can easily displace the local culture to causing hereby reducing diversity through hybridization or even through assimilation. The most prominent form of this is ëesternizimi (westernization), but also occurs sinicizimi or sinifikimi (linguistic or cultural assimilation of terms and concepts in Chinese language or culture), travel and tourism the largest ever international biggest immigration, including and illegal immigration, the extent of local finished products (eg food) to other countries (often adapted to the culture of those countries), Fashion (whims) and global pop culture (vo) such as Pokémon, Sudoku, Numa Numa, Origami, Series idols, YouTube, My Space, Messenger and many others. world sport events such as the World Cup FIFA (International Football Federation) and Olympic games, formation or development of a set of universal values.
Supporters of the 'democratic globalization' also sometimes called pro-globalization. They consider that the first phase of globalization, which has been commercially minded, must be completed by a phase of building global political institutions that will represent the will of 'global citizens'. The difference from other globalists is that they do not define in advance any ideology that led to this desire, what is left to the free choice commode of those citizens via a democratic process. Supporters of free trade point out that economic theories 'comparative benefit' suggest that free trade leads to an efficient allocation of resources, which all countries involved in this trade will benefit. In general, this leads to lower prices, greater employment and higher yields. Voluntaristic and other proponents of capitalism say that higher degrees of political and economic freedom in the form of democracy and capitalism in the developed world are in themselves two goals and also create higher levels of kamjes material. They see globalization as a spread and useful extension of freedom and capitalism. Critics say the anti-globalization movement uses anecdotal evidence to support her views and that the worldwide statistics actually strongly support globalization:
- The percentage of people in developing countries live with incomes below $ 1 American

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