Thursday, March 19, 2015

The story begins with the fact that Holden is out and looks afar and some stranger

The story begins with the fact that Holden is out and looks afar and some stranger's school soccer match between process (American jalgp.). Christmas holidays are just beginning, and Holden has exposure to failure of the bill have been thrown bench out (Pencey school). He does not bother to learn, although it is pointed out that all the time (Got conducted in English, KuKu through history). Holden leaves the mountain standing in the school to say goodbye. He is cold, because his gloves and coat was stolen recently and it is winter. He must be remembered that meet the needs of your history teacher Mr. Spencer and he is running because he is in the mood. He tends to pant as a fast growing and smokes a lot. Spencer's house he is in becoming impatient.
Mr. Spencer is the flu. He is v. old and do not bend well. Mr. Spencer is a robe and his room smells of liquid drops. bench His appearance bench and smell bothers Holdenit room, and he was sorry he had to. Spencer discusses Holdeniga that Holden kicked out (which it has been said that if the parents reported [not yet] how they would take, Holden says it's a 4 out of school to fly) .Spencer Holden shines through after the overthrow of an aching heart, and asking, and not too annoyed and would have done in his place. Holdenile it is annoying and the bed on which he sits in his opinion, is a horrible hard and uncomfortable. Spencer asks you if you do not worry about the future of Holden, Holden believes that it is a transitional phase and it never goes over concern Who is not familiar with. Spencer calls it chocolate drink, but Holden excused himself off to the gym has to go out of your things. Actually, do not. S shouts bench after him good luck, and it irritates Holdenit (Good luck, and it is wonderful irritating words).
Holden is a big liar as he finds himself. He goes back to internaat, dresses, puts her head in New York bought a stupid red hunting hat and a long beak begins to read the book. He ponders the authors and finds that his favorite author is the DB who else Lit, short stories, but now writes for money in Hollywood movies. This is not the correct bench view, Holden, he hates the theater. Then you need to Robert Ackley, who lives in the next room. Holden does not seem particularly tolerant him (he is a pimply face, do not wash your teeth, never, will not tolerate toanaabrit Holden, do not go outside much, senior, poor character). He asks for the Holdenilt vehklemisvõistluse (NY subway Holden had lost the race was canceled bench and the team's equipment). Ackley cuts the nails and drive them to the floor, do not understand the hint from the Holden tries to imply that he could escape. Then comes Stradlater and Ackley leaving home.
Stradlater goes to the laundry room to beat yourself up because he is on the go. Holdenil is bored and she goes along. Stradlater bench whistles, but it makes a horrible wrong. Stradlater asks Holden to write an essay to him. Holden is not happy, but the end of the bowl (to be described in any room or building, as Holden did not know anything about desc. Then he writes instead bench of your dead brother Allie pesapallikindast onto which the poems are written in). Holden criticizes sense Stradlateri shaving, which is a horrible filthy. Then he hears, Stradlater goes out to Jane Gallagher, Holden childhood friend. He recalls the times spent with childlike enthusiasm, and wants to ask her checkers on Stradlater (Jane never wanted to go to a causeway, Holden wants to know if he still does not want to). Stradlater allows bench to ask, but Holden knows in advance that do not ask. If Stradlater is gone, and come again Ackley Holdenil even have the pleasure to see him, as he leads his thoughts elsewhere.
In the evening, eat steak and Holden thinks that, because the next day, the parents come to visit, they will ask their shoots to eat last night and got Nood meet steak (school food is good impression). Holden goes to town with friends (Mal Brossard and Ackley), but the cinema is not anything interesting, so it is eaten, played on the gaming machine and go back to internaat. Mal starts playing bridge, Ackley is Holden's room and talk, although Holden tries to get rid of him. If Ackley leaves, then he starts to write the essay, but can not think of any room, he wrote to his brother pesapallikindast (Holden bench thinks that his brother had been immensely intelligent, but died in 1946 of white blood worms).
If Stradlater gets home and sees which Holden wrote in an essay he displeased. Holden rips thereupon essay at all smashed and begins to smoke, because knows that it Stradlaterit irritating. He will ask about Stradlaterilt Dating and irritation. Then Holden tries to kick him in the face, but do not hit properly. Stradlater floor keeps him busy until he swears bench at Holden. He promises to remain silent when Stradlater bench lets it loose, but will not actually hitting her and Stradlater. Holden bench falls onto it for some time to sit on the floor and swears Stradlaterit, he was a bit flustered, and recommends a face wash. If Stradlater laundry room goes, it drives Holden himself up, looks in the mirror and goes to Ackley's room.
Ackley ehm

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