Saturday, October 12, 2013

Due to legal inequality between the sexes, in the distant history of the more difficult we find exa

... So maybe this is the reason from which, through history, successful muškrci beside me had a successful woman, intelligent bedside tables enough, fatal that they had solved, and as a "dangerous toys" rounded off their hunger for life itself?
Due to legal inequality between the sexes, in the distant history of the more difficult we find examples of "successful woman - a successful man," but there was Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt, with its seductive and diplomatic skills to succeed at his side pulled mighty Caesar and thus ensure his rule over Egypt.
It's no secret that the few cases of successful women their successes "loping", among other things, thanks to its charm and beauty. The question to which the answer seems somewhat superfluous is - whether beauty woman helps or does not help in the hunt for success? Just the facts speak "for" and "against." It is true, however, that intelligent women their beauty and intelligence can fine cashed in various ways. The subtlety that when this came evenutalno could be attributed to the temperament, life attitudes and koječime.
In the 15 th century, Henry VIII, King of England, known for the number of women with whom he was married, he married the same time najpoznatiom and most successful among his wives - Anne Bolen, who is now considered worthy of separation of English Catholicism from Roman Catholicism , as well as to later establish Protestantism in England.
Teodora, cirkusantkinja which was derived bedside tables from the lowest caste, became the wife of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, although bedside tables this kind of marriage was once forbidden. Justinian had secretly married, and became his closest advisor and equal Assistant for the throne.
Inspiration by many artists in finding their wives and mistresses, it is widely bedside tables known. But of particular interest is mutual inspirational, mutual artistic inspiration that individual couples one from another fantastic draw.
In 18th century, Polish bedside tables composer and pianist, Frederik Chopin composed by some of his best works, including bedside tables the famous Polonaise, Op 53 in A minor, with his mistress, a French writer - George Sand.
Marina Tsvetaeva, Russian poet, is known for its Platonic, inspiriušićim mutual love. Most of the people with whom he led the correspondence informed only after the infatuation had passed, and that was the case with the poet Rajner Maria Rilke and novelist Boris Pasternak. Her lyrics reflect the lightness of love where there is not, even when he says "I'm a bird and no regrets as subject to the laws greedy," in her words we can feel the enthusiasm that has flooded the pieces of her love of reality. Correspondence that led to famous artists, full of poetic ecstasy, have been preserved and translated bedside tables into many languages.
When we talk about women of literary bedside tables and especially about women's bedside tables erotic literature, the name of Anais Nin would necessarily have to find at the top. French writer, in addition to being published several novels and whole life writing and publishing journals, and is remembered for her turbulent love life, especially with Henry Miller, helped piece while working on "Crab cancer". This well-known, somewhat "raw" writer Anais was the inspiration, as he was to her.
Sylvia Plath, the English writer, is today among lovers of poetry known by her husband Ted Hughes, who was once in poetic bedside tables circles was uvažavaniji from her, and her writing and occasionally "suffer" because of the somewhat destructive love. The desire to exist, that is absolutely "screaming" from her poetry, and led her to suicide, which is this incredible life killed the.
About how the suffering and creating deeply connected, talking and love painting para - Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. Passion of their love, in which Frida was working to adopt Diego's nature in its entirety, forgiving his infidelity, has created some of the most fantastic part of this artist.
Lovers of a harder sound, known and love singers group "Nick Cave & Bad Seeds," Nika Kejva and singer PiDžej Harvey. Australian musician is almost one whole album full of love songs dedicated to this relationship.
Dante's "Divine Comedy" and "New Life" bedside tables absolutely would not exist if it was not Beatrice, his inexhaustible inspiration. But with Beatrice thing is similar with Petrarch and Laura, where the occasional places losing the boundary between true love and poetic creations. For Dante, this enthusiasm bedside tables is particularly evident in the place where Beatrice describes the words "La gloriosa donna della mia mente" or "Prelepa lady of my mind."
Dali paintings were inspired bezmalo ženskokm figure, Elena Ivanovna Diakonovom, where he was later given the nickname Gala. Gala this extravagant artist was not only an inspiration. In a way, it is my females tenacity and hunger for luxury "pushing" Dali, doing promotion of his works in

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