Sunday, October 20, 2013

Peter Murphy lana soon new solo album

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Peter Murphy fits in So Paulo. In this last Wednesday, 14 the cold and rainy weather gave an especially somber texture to many residents who were at Carioca Club. Everything promised a special night for one of the most anticipated shows by fs gothic rock and post punk that year: Peter Murphy, the English legend, recently went on tour to celebrate the 35th anniversary of his first band, Bauhaus, and now landed on Brazilian soil. In July 2012, the Englishman had scheduled a presentation in Pas, but canceled the strike claiming problems with the Brazilian consulate, apologizing to fse promising to return as soon as possible. What was the cause of sadness at that time seemed to be rewarded with this brand new turn, because Mr. Moonlight Tour s songs would Bauhaus. The Bauhaus existed between 1978 and 1983 and reaches j be hard to believe that 35 years ago this band influenced several generations of gtico names in rock and industrial, like Nine Inch Nails, The Horrors, Bj rk, Radiohead, among many others. Shortly after the marked clockwise, a staff person from the show takes the stage to say a few words and announce that a new disc Murphy fits will be launched later this year. Telo in a video with a brief preview of the tracks was shown. Though, the anxiety of fs was such that it was everything you would want to see the legend in action. Thus ending ovdeo the telo leaves the stage and the curtains open during the introduction of King Volcano. Totally cheered by a Carioca Club well filled by an audience whose average age range was between 30 and 40 years, Double Dare hypnotizes gifts. Great classics of the Bauhaus were touched as God in an alcove, Silent Hedges, Spy in the cab, Kick in the Eye, but the great moments most anticipated is given with Bela Lugosi Dead , and Stigmata Martyr Dark Entries, which completed fits the first part of this historic show. Accompanied by Emilio Di Zefalo (bass and violin), Nicholas Lucerco (drums) and Mark Thwaite (guitar), Peter Murphy remains flawless on stage, with his deep voice, his movements and theatrical performance gloomy, dark throughout the spectacle time. The encore was extremely remarkable and special. The band filed Hollow Hills, followed by Shes in Parties fits when Murphy called a guest more than special night: the audience, no one was less than Wayne Hussey (lead singer of The Mission UK) , who took the stage with all the charisma fits he has left for singing Telegram Sam, a cover of T. Rex, immortalized by Bauhaus. The apex of the evening was the next moment when Murphy and Wayne sang together Ziggy Stardust, the legendary David Bowie, which caused a lot of emotion in people there. To end the night, Murphy sang a song of his solo album Cascade, Subway, taking his whole team on stage to bid farewell to the audience with an empathy between all that seemed an ancient festival of married s underground 80's decade.
Peter Murphy lana soon new solo album
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